To be the best renewable energy solution provider in Srilanka towards a sustainable social, economic and ecological development for our future human races.
To deliver the Srilankan Society the best in class, end-to-end integrated renewable energy solutions for the betterment of our social life and of Future generations.
Integrity & Quality, Customer Commitment, Respect for Society, Good Citizenship, Personal Accountability

Welcome to SAVILANKA
The Ultimate Solar Energy Solutions Provider

We help to save the Environment with a dedicated, swift and responsive Solar Team to support our Customers needs at all times
Renewable energy, often referred to as clean energy, comes from natural sources. This energy sector is booming, as innovation brings down costs and starts to deliver on the promise of a clean energy future.
Cost effective
New research shows that, in the long run, renewable energy is more cost effective than non-renewable energy considering costs over the lifespan of energy projects solar is least expensive .
Solar is produced with little-to-no environmental impact and does not dispense greenhouse gases into the air that contribute to global warming, the way fossil fuels doand so Solar is considered the GREEN.
We Take Care About The Future
Solar Science Illuminated

Types of solar Panels
Renewable energy, often referred to as clean energy, comes from natural sources. This energy sector is booming, as innovation brings down costs and starts to deliver on the promise of a clean energy future.

Monocrystalline panels
Monocrystalline solar panels have a higher efficiency rate in generating electricity from light and are a more space-efficient solution. Durable, long living and aesthetically pleasing, these cells are the ideal solution for residential and small commercial rooftop installations

Multicrystalline panels
Multicrystalline solar panels are simpler to produce and offer the most cost-efficient and versatile option. This type of panel is available in a range of sizes and colors, suitable for both residential and larger-scale installations as well as on and off-grid application.